Post Treatment Care

Temporary Crown & Temporary Bridge Placement

  • • The temporary crown/temporary bridge is placed in patients’ mouth for approximately 2 – 3 weeks.
  • • The temporary crown/temporary bridge is placed with cement temporarily (this adhesive will be removable with minimum effort).
  • • Avoid HARD or STICKY foods while temporary crown or temporary bridge is in the mouth.
  • • If temporary crown or temporary bridge comes off, PLEASE call the office so that the crown or bridge can be re-cemented or for further instructions from the doctor, what to do to keep it covered.
  • • Expect gums to be sore or tender for a few days after procedure preparation. This is OK, you can take Tylenol or Advil for the pain.
  • • When flossing, pull the floss from the side of the mouth DO NOT pull it up.
  • • Once numbing wears off, possibility your bite may not feel right, PLEASE call the office to schedule a short adjustment appointment if need it at the above phone number.

Extraction or Surgical Procedure

You have had a surgical operation and a certain amount of discomfort and swelling is to be expected. Having performed the operation, we are interested in your comfort and prompt recovery. Please cooperate with us by following the instructions below.

For the next 24 hours please follow these instructions carefully:

  • • NO smoking
  • • NO carbonated drinks (nothing that fizzes)
  • • NO vigorous rinsing
  • • NO alcoholic beverages
  • • NO drinking through straws


BLEEDING: A certain amount of bleeding is to be expected following the removal of teeth and it may continue for several hours. In case of hemorrhage, do not rinse, instead roll a piece of gauze or a clean small handkerchief in the shape of a cigarette, fold, and place it directly over the bleeding area. Bite down on the gauze using pressure for AT LEAST TWENTY MINUTES. Remove and repeat the procedure if needed. If the bleeding does not slow considerably, call us and return to the office. Please keep fingers and tongue away from the site.

SWELLING: A slight amount of swelling should cause no alarm. Swelling following surgery frequently occurs, disappearing gradually over a period of three or four days. An ice bag may be applied to the face on the area of the surgery to keep swelling at a minimum. Use the ice bag “On” Ten (10) minutes, then “Off” Ten (10) minutes. You may continue this for the first twenty-four (24) hours.

DISCOLORATION: Discoloration similar to a bruise may appear on the face, which is due to slight bleeding into the tissues and should disappear within a few days.

DISCOMFORT: Take medications as prescribed for discomfort, or Tylenol or Advil.

FOOD: Liquid warm diet for the first 24 hours. Soft foods afterwards for four to five days.


  • • If you have had numbing for your filling's preparations, please do NOT eat until the numbing wears off! You could bite your lip cheek or tongue and not feel it! You can of course drink fluids.
  • You may experience some thermal (temperature) sensitivity particularly to cold. This should subside over a few days or week. Any sensitivity that presents longer than few days or weeks or is more severe than just “mild” or hurts when you bite or chew on the tooth, may indicate a more serious condition, please call the Office at the above phone number so we can check it promptly. Often, when decay is deep, and it nears the pulp (nerve) of the tooth, a pulpitis (inflammation of the pulp) develops. More often than not this is a reversible pulpitis and in time the tooth returns to normal sensations and comfort, other time though the tooth may require a root canal (removing the irreversible inflamed, damage or dyeing nerve).
  • • In addition, your gums may be slightly sore in the area of the filling, don’t let this deter you from practicing good home care. Salt water rinses are good for this. Mix 2 tea spoon table salt with 8 oz. warm water and rinse for 30 seconds. Repeat this 2-3 times a day for several days. This should help the healing process.
  • • If after the numbing wears off and or you notice the bite does not feel right –feels high or you are hitting one particular tooth before the rest it is IMPORTANT to call our office at the above phone number and we will schedule a short appointment to smooth off and correct the bite to make you comfortable.

Adapting to New Dentures or Partial Dentures

It will take time to get used to wearing dentures

You may feel:

  • • Sensation of less room for the tongue.
  • • Some food is difficult to eat.
  • • Food tastes different.
  • • Harder to speak or laugh.
  • • You may produce more saliva.

Don’t worry, this is normal at first.

Some tips and advice for help:



  • • Eat soft foods.
  • • Bite small mouthfuls and chew evenly.
  • • Avoid foods with seeds.
  • • Your sense of taste will return.


Speaking and Hearing

  • • Bite and swallow before speaking.
  • • Practice speaking.
  • • You may sound different.


Be Patient

  • • It takes time.
  • • These reactions are perfectly normal.
  • • If issues persist please let our office know.



  • • Always wear your dentures.
  • • If need be, use a denture adhesive to help keep the denture in place and improve comfort.


Daily Denture Care

  • • Gently brush dentures every day with a moistened denture brush to remove food debris and some plaque.
  • • During nighttime soak dentures in over the counter denture cleanser system that contains denture cleansing tablets.

If you received the flexible plastic partial (Valplast or similar) please review this information for taking care of the new prosthesis:

Valplast Flexible Partial Denture Care

  • Your Valpast partial should be cleaned at least 3 times a week.
  • • Use a Sonic Cleaner with Retainer Brite tablets.
  • • Soak overnight in an alcohol-free denture cleaner.
  • Do not brush your Valplast partial with a tooth or denture brush.
  • Avoid bleach, peroxide or similar cleaning agents; they will affect the natural hue/color of your Valplast appliance.


If you have any questions, please contact our office.